Cadence SPB 17.4--2019 揭开神秘面纱 (1)

Cadence SPB 17.4-2019 揭开神秘面纱 (1)


Allegro PCB Editor and Allegro Package Designer+

  • Do you want to open a 17.2 design in 17.4 butretain the database format from 17.2? Maybe because the overall team istransitioning and everyone isn't using the same release, or because yoursupplier is still using 17.2? It’s possible now with the new 17.2 Compatibility Mode.
  • Of course, you want the manufactured board tobe what you designed. But have you included all the manufacturing constraintscorrectly? A tedious and error-prone task. No problem. Allegro Constraint Compiler (ACC) does that for you automatically bytranslating design constraints from an external source directly into ConstraintManager.
  • Don’t you wish you could peep under themechanical covers of PCB assemblies? Or, cut a symbol right from where it isinstead of clicking through menus? All these and more are possible now withan enhanced 3D Canvas.

Allegro ECAD-MCAD Library Creator

  • Dimensioning of footprints is important not only for measurements but for dimensioning and documentation as well. Don’t we all know the time saved by a well-documented footprint? Well, you have the Dimension Style form to do all you ever wanted to do, such as controlformatting, modify individual dimensions, customize dimensions, or exportdimensions to PCB Editor.

Allegro EDM

  • Wantto store, analyze, and use data with secure Cloud support? What if you couldbrowse and search through various logs from a web browser instead of trawlingthrough multiple machines? That is exactly what (and more) you get withthe Pulseplatform, which gives you the power of data-drivendesign with a secure ECAD product management system and Cloud deployment ability.

Allegro System Capture

  • Now comes with an enhanced Dark Theme butthat is just the beginning. Your design journey with System Capture is a smoothone with many ease-of-use features that ensure errors are flagged as soon aspossible. Overwhelmed by a crowd of menus? Context-sensitive menus and controlscome to your rescue. And, what’s more, you can customize almost every window –place them per your comfort and size them as you wish! Tired of clicking inmultiple tabs? They are now merged so that you can see the entire design alongwith all its derived data, variants, BOM, board files, and so on, from the sameProject viewer.
  • System Capture now provides embedded version management. For example, you can roll back to an earlierversion,  create design branches, or preview any version of a designwithout opening it.

OrCAD Capture CIS

  • OrCAD Capture CIS aids you in your contributionto a greener earth by means of a modern and sleeker Dark Theme. Butthat is not all. A dark theme reduces power usage, improves visibility, andmakes it easier for screens to be read. This, of course, is in addition to theenhancements in usability and PCB flow.
  • A major challenge while creating yourschematics is the availability of parts. Now, you can search for and download millions of electronic components, symbols, footprints, manufacturer datasheets,and 3D STEP models from Cadence-supported content providers — SamacSys andUltra Librarian.

PSpice and PSpice Advanced Analysis

  • We are committed to healthier earth as you are,and along with that, we ensure your ease and efficacy too. So, Dark Theme isin PSpice as well, ensuring reduced power usage, improved visibility, andeasy-to-read screens.
  • Now, you can view the tabbed documents in multiple monitors, say, to compare two traces without having to alternatebetween tabs .

Topology Explorer -NewSignal Integrity Tool

  • Topology Explorer combines Parallel Bus and Serial Link analysis capabilities and offers AMI Builder to generate AMI models, in addition to many other features.

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